50 Best Responses to Namaste

50 Best Responses to Namaste

Namaste is a common greeting in India and among Hindi speakers around the world. It’s a respectful way to say hello and goodbye. But what’s the best way to respond to someone who greets you with “Namaste”? Here are 50 great options to return the warm sentiment.

Responses to Namaste

1. Namaste

Responses to Namaste

The most obvious and simplest response is to return the namaste greeting. This shows you understand its meaning and are greeting them back respectfully. For example:


2. Namaskar

“Namaskar” is another traditional Hindi greeting with the same meaning as namaste. It’s an appropriate and equivalent response. For example:


3. Hello

A friendly “hello” in English is fine too. This bridges the language gap in a warm, inclusive way. For example:


4. Good morning/afternoon/evening

Wish them a good morning, afternoon or evening in English. This is friendly while moving the conversation forward. For example:

“Good morning!”

5. How are you?

Ask how they’re doing to continue the conversation. This shows interest in them as a person, not just the greeting. For example:

“How are you?”

6. I’m well, thank you!

Let them know you’re doing well to reassure them. Then politely thank them for their greeting. This is courteous and thoughtful. For example:

“I’m well, thank you!”

7. Nice to meet you

If it’s your first time meeting them, introduce yourself and say it’s nice to meet them. This builds new relationships. For example:

“Nice to meet you!”

8. It’s a pleasure

Let them know the pleasure is yours in receiving their warm greeting. This is gracious and kind. For example:

“It’s a pleasure.”

9. The pleasure is mine

This response emphasizes that you feel happy and honored to receive their greeting. It’s very gracious. For example:

“The pleasure is mine.”

10. I’m honored

Say that you feel honored by their greeting. This shows great respect and appreciation. For example:

“I’m honored.”

11. And to you

Wish the sentiment back to them. This shows you return the positivity and care. For example:

“And to you.”

12. Right back at you

Use this playful response to cheerfully return the good vibes. It’s friendly and informal. For example:

“Right back at you!”

13. Same to you

Simply wish the same greeting or sentiment back. This is concise while still thoughtful. For example:

“Same to you.”

14. Namaste, my friend

Add “my friend” to make it warmer and more endearing. This strengthens the social bond. For example:

“Namaste, my friend!”

15. The light in me honors the light in you

This takes the meaning of namaste even deeper. It honors the inner light or spirit in each person. For example:

“The light in me honors the light in you.”

16. The spirit in me greets the spirit in you

A radiant sun or a connection symbolizing positive energy

Similar to #15, this recognizes the shared humanity and spirit between people. It’s very meaningful.

“The spirit in me greets the spirit in you.”

17. Such a blessing

Express that their greeting is a blessing or honor for you. This shows great appreciation. For example:

“Such a blessing.”

18. I bow to the divine in you

Bowing means deeply honoring and respecting someone. Say you figuratively bow to the divine nature in them. This is reverent. For example:

“I bow to the divine in you.”

19. Namaste, friend, we’re all one

Add that we’re all part of the same human family. This emphasizes unity and connection. For example:

“Namaste, friend, we’re all one.”

20. We’re all connected

Similarly, you can say we’re all deeply connected. This stresses that shared human bond. For example:

“We’re all connected.”

21. Infinite love and light to you

Infinite love and light to you

Wish them infinite, unconditional love and inner light. This is a powerful way to return the positive energy. For example:

“Infinite love and light to you.”

22. Much love

Simply wishing “much love” back is nice too. It gets the warmth across without needing to elaborate. For example:

“Much love.”

23. Blessings

“Blessings” sums up the good vibes and care you want to return. It’s short but sweet. For example:


24. Warm regards

“Warm regards” back is a friendly and heartfelt response. It keeps things positive. For example:

“Warm regards.”

25. Many thanks

Express your gratitude and thanks for their kind greeting. This is always appropriate. For example:

“Many thanks!”

26. Thank you!

A simple “Thank you!” suffices to show your appreciation. It’s short and genuine. For example:

“Thank you!”

27. My pleasure

Say it’s your pleasure to receive their greeting. This is courteous and humble. For example:

“My pleasure.”

28. I appreciate it

I appreciate it

Let them know directly that you appreciate the greeting. This is thoughtful. For example:

“I appreciate it.”

29. Much appreciated

Emphasize you really appreciate the sentiment by saying “much appreciated.” For example:

“Much appreciated.”

30. Very kind of you

Say it’s very kind of them to take the time to greet you. This is flattering. For example:

“Very kind of you.”

31. That’s so thoughtful

Let them know their greeting is thoughtful. This makes them feel good too. For example:

“That’s so thoughtful.”

32. Bless you

The simple phrase “bless you” respects them in return. It has a prayerful quality. For example:

“Bless you.”

33. Thank you, from my heart

Say their greeting comes from your heart. This adds emotional emphasis. For example:

“Thank you, from my heart.”

34. You honor me

Tell them directly that their greeting honors you. This is gracious and meaningful. For example:

“You honor me.”

35. I feel blessed

Say you feel blessed by their act of kindness. This is very appreciative. For example:

“I feel blessed.”

36. That touches my spirit

Best Responses to Namaste

Let them know their greeting deeply touches your spirit. This is very moving and powerful. For example:

“That touches my spirit.”

37. You made my day

Say they made your day with such a thoughtful greeting. This shows how much it impacted you. For example:

“You made my day.”

38. Beautiful greeting

Compliment the beauty of their spiritual greeting. This uplifts them as well. For example:

“Beautiful greeting.”

39. What a gift

Calling their greeting a “gift” emphasizes your gratitude. It’s very meaningful. For example:

“What a gift.”

40. I can feel your warmth

Say you can feel the warmth and care behind their greeting. This acknowledges its intention. For example:

“I can feel your warmth.”

41. Heartwarming

Simply call their greeting “heartwarming.” This gets the meaning across in one word. For example:


42. Lovely greeting

Calling their greeting “lovely” is a nice compliment that shows your appreciation. For example:

“Lovely greeting.”

43. Soulful greeting

Describe their spiritual greeting as “soulful.” This means it touched your soul. For example:

“Soulful greeting.”

44. Uplifting

Say their greeting is uplifting – that it lifted your spirits. This is a great, positive compliment. For example:


45. So kind of you

Express that it’s so kind of them to greet you that way. This makes them feel good too. For example:

“So kind of you.”

46. Warms my heart

Say it truly warms your heart. This shows how much you appreciated it. For example:

“Warms my heart.”

47. Beautifully said

Compliment the beauty of their words and sentiment. This uplifts them as well. For example:

“Beautifully said.”

48. Ah, divine grace

Describe their greeting as “divine grace.”

49. You made my heart smile

Let them know their kind greeting made your heart smile. This shows how uplifted you felt. For example:

“You made my heart smile.”

50. I’m touched

Simply say “I’m touched” to show you were moved by their thoughtfulness. This speaks volumes in just two words. For example:

“I’m touched.”

So in summary, the best responses to “Namaste” are ones that:

  • Return the warm sentiment (namaste, namaskar, bless you, much love)
  • Express appreciation (thank you, much appreciated, very kind)
  • Share positive spirit (light meets light, we’re all one)
  • Compliment their words (beautiful, soulful, uplifting)
  • Acknowledge their intention (heartwarming, thoughtful, touches my spirit)

Any response that meets the namaste greeting with the same grace, respect and care will deepen your human connection. When in doubt, a simple “thank you” or “namaste” back is always appropriate.

The most important thing is to receive the greeting mindfully, focusing on the person’s care and spirit behind their words. Reflect back that positive energy in whatever way feels most natural and meaningful to you in the moment.

Namaste! May we always greet each other with respect, honor our shared humanity and spread compassion.


Greetings, I'm Shehroz Khan! Delving into the world of insightful content and strategic communication, I'm your go-to author at Expresso Words. With 35 revolutions around the sun under my belt, I'm fueled by a fervor for personal development and spirituality. The Expresso Words platform was born from my ardent desire to guide individuals toward enhancing their growth journey while masterfully crafting their expressions.

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